Weighed the bike. Holy Heavy Metal, Batman!

Today at work one of my coworkers asked me how heavy my bike was, and I guessed 35 pounds, and they said that was ridiculous and it couldn’t weigh that much, so today I weighed my bike when I got home from my commute. I had all my work clothes in the pannier and my tire/tubes/tools/etc in the trunk on the back. This is what I ride to work every day. 44.4 pounds.

Then I stripped off the pannier to see what my ‘race weight’ was for when I’m riding on the weekends or doing centuries. 37.8 pounds.

Both of these weights include the 1.5 waterbottles, which seems fair as I usually start with 2 filled and try to refill before I start using the second bottle.

So… how heavy of a bike IS that?

Steel is Real, man!

Steel is Real, man!

As a bonus, here is a photo of me cresting King’s this morning on my 44.4 pound bike.

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